Nitya's profile

Passionate about designing experiences. Born and bred in New Delhi, India.
A photo of Nitya

If I wasn't a designer I would be a Clinical Psychologist.

My peaceful place in New York is 6E16th Library and Smorgasburg

Favorite fruit:


What do you want to learn in this course?

I look forward to improving my creative coding skills. In the long run, I believe this would help me collaborate with software developers better.

Tell us about an early experience with computers or the internet

I remember playing the Wii. My sister and I would always get really competitive playing tennis.

What will the web look like in 10 years from now?

I think AR and VR are going to become even bigger. There's a lot of debate about Ethics and AI. Bigger companies would be taking more steps to make things private such as instagram making likes invisible.


Elliot: Design and Farming is an interesting combination. I wonder what interests you in farming. Thanks for introducing me to the Song Hide U! Love the bass beat.
Meini: I would love to see your food and travel blogs!

Favorite HTML Elements

  1. <href>
  2. <span>
  3. <div>

3 Interesting UX Design Inspiration Websites

Current TV Shows

  • YOU
  • New Girl
  • Next in Fashion